"I am not bound to please thee with my answers"

Today's blog posting is going to be a little less about Shakespeare, and a little more about me... I know, gasp. How selfish of me.

So as we are getting more into this blogging business, a point that seems to keep coming up is finding an online identity. Blogs are interesting when you know who you are, know what you like, and are witty about sharing it. Right? But we aren't all born knowing the answers to these questions. Some people never figure out just who they are. I usually count myself as one of those. So the question is, how do I create an online identity, when my identity in reality is still up in the air? I don't have a major (it got the X about a week into this semester) and I don't have a single clue about what I am vaguely interested in. Inside my head there's this battle where on one shoulder is a little kid saying Hakuna Mutata, it means no worries. I can grow up to be anything in the world, as long as I believe. And on my other shoulder is a grumpy old lady telling me she's tired of working, just give up now, I'll never find anything I want to major in. Actually, she looks kinda like this:
But the point is, blogging Shakespeare related to something that interests me is actually kinda scary. Because what interests me is everything and nothing. And yet, as I was reflecting on my hopeless situation today I had a thought. A brilliant thought, if I do say so myself. If Shakespeare knew so much about the nature of humanity, he must have known about people like me, too. The world is full of indecisive people who are struggling to find themselves. And although they may not be the great protagonists of Shakespeare's plays, I am sure he included them somewhere. So that's what I'm here to do, look for me in Shakespeare. As we read through some of his great works this semester, I'll be on the lookout for the lost and confused, the people who are in the midst of self discovery. And who knows, maybe I'll discover a little bit of myself along the way. Hopefully it won't be the old, wrinkly part:)

FYI: The title is a Merchant of Venice quote


  • Erik | September 16, 2011 at 12:40 PM

    Wow. I thoroughly enjoyed the introspective nature of that post. It was quite refreshing... while "Here goes Erik, publishing about obscure topics with a tone that sounds like he is trying to sound smart".

    Seriously though... I am interested in seeing how this works out for you. This is a superb idea.

  • acorkin | September 18, 2011 at 4:24 PM

    Words from my own heart deary! So brilliantly relatable. I'm not sure it's comforting, but I am in the EXACT SAME BOAT as you!! let's discover our plans for the rest of our lives together! and try not to paddle upstream falling out... :D

  • Cassandra | September 19, 2011 at 5:48 PM

    I like your focus, Martina. I think no one ever truly has a concrete identity, because once you have some sort of concept of yourself, something else comes around to shake your thoughts, to question what you had not questioned before. Sounds like you are going down the right path, though - the humble one.

  • amdhow | September 21, 2011 at 4:18 PM

    Sometimes I feel like it's easier and harder to find yourself at school. It should be as simple as knowing the basic answers to the standard questions everyone asks (name, major, hometown, etc.), but it isn't ever really that simple. People are so complex, I think it's impossible to ever really know someone, or even ourselves. Don't fret about it though because finding yourself can be fun. And I imagine that using Wonderful Will to help you on your quest will be an enjoyable step. And on the brightside, you're probably not as mad as a few of his characters. At least not every day, right? :)

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